Civil Partnership Dissolution Solicitors in Bristol

Our fixed fee for the Dissolution of a Civil Partnership is:

  • All your paperwork taken care of
  • Guaranteed fees
  • Advice from an experienced divorce and family lawyer
  • Access to your lawyer by email and direct dial telephone
  • A lawyer who explains everything in plain English

What is the dissolution of a Civil Partnership?

A dissolution of a Civil Partnership is the ending of your Civil Partnership that has lasted for at least one year. Your lawyer will collect all the relevant details from you, correspond on your behalf with the other parties involved (your partner and their solicitor, if appropriate) and prepare and file all the relevant papers with the court to obtain a civil partnership dissolution.

What's included in the fixed fee?

All costs associated with obtaining a dissolution of a civil partnership.

Our fees: £725.00
VAT on our fees: £145
Court fees: £550 (to issue the application) + £45 (final order)
Total £1,465

You will be provided with email, and telephone contact with your lawyer

Your lawyer will obtain the information we need from you. They will prepare and file all the appropriate paperwork as follows:

  • A form called a "petition"
  • A statement of arrangements for children (if applicable)
  • A notice informing the court we are representing you
  • A statement confirming the content of your petition is still valid and that the signature on the acknowledgement form is that of your spouse.
  • An application to ask the court to proceed with the civil partnership dissolution ("request for directions for trial")
  • An application for the conditional order
  • An application for the conditional order to be made final

Throughout the process your lawyer will keep you informed of progress. In addition to the completion and filing of all the paperwork we include an allowance for up to 2 hours discussion with you by phone, email or in person to address any concerns or issues arising from the paperwork. In the past majority of cases this is more than sufficient to deal with the process.

Court fees

The court will require you to pay standard government fees. These are currently £550 payable when the petition is filed (to issue the application) + £45 (final order). This is included in our total cost for a fixed fee for civil partnership dissolution.

Additional fees

In most cases the above follows through without difficulty. In some cases there can be additional issues to be resolved and we do charge extra for this additional work, examples can be: sorting out a financial agreement, advice on contact to children, not being able to trace the other party, the other party denying receipt of the papers, needing to obtain a private detective and so on.

If you decide to apply for an order to have your partner pay the costs you have incurred in obtaining the divorce additional work may be required and your lawyer will explain the cost to you. In some instances you may be required to attend court to address this aspect of your case.

If you need advice on reaching a financial settlement with your partner or arrangements for your children this is likely to involve additional work which your lawyer will explain.

Any extra work and costs will be discussed and agreed with you before any work is undertaken.

Why pay a fixed fee?

By paying a fixed fee at the start of your case you have certainty about the costs involved. The alternative is to pay an hourly rate for the time your lawyer spends on your case. We believe you should pay for the paperwork that needs to be done rather than the time it takes to do it.